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Archival records from South – East Poland

Polish State Archive in Przemyśl is one of the very few archives in Poland that publish scanned resources on their own website. As of today the database contains over 1 million 100 thousand pages of archival documents. Besides vital records from Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic parishes and Jewish communities, it accommodates notarial acts, school documentation and maps of the region located in south east Poland.
There is no name index, however if you know where your ancestors resided before leaving Poland, the collection will be of great help.

How to use the database?

1. Go to www.przemysl.ap.gov.pl/skany. The database is in Polish so you may wish to use google translator to translate the website.
2. From the drop-down menu in “Nazwa zespołu” field chose the archival unit you wish to view.
Here is a short glossary of main terms you may come across when searching the database:
– Akta c.k. notariusza – notarial acts (followed by name and surname of the notary)
– Akta miasta – municipal records
– Akta stanu cywilnego – civil registry records
– Parafii Grecko Katolickiej – of Greek Catholic parish
– Parafii Rzymsko Katolickiej – of Roman Catholic parish
– Szkoła podstawowa – primary school
– Zbiór map – maps collection
3. Leave other fields empty and click “szukaj” (search) button.
4. Click on the signature number to view desired unit.
5. Use arrows located at the bottom of the page to move between pages within the unit.

Good luck with searching for your Polish ancestors!

To learn about documents published by other Polish State Archives see our earlier posts: Polish State Archives’ records on-line and New batch of scanned records from Polish Archives


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