
The records we will find for you most likely will be in Polish, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian or Latin.
Please consider having them translated into English or other languages to get a full understanding of the information about your ancestors locked in the records. Most often the records will contain more details than bare names, dates and places.
An example of a birth record written in Russian translated into English:
Jaworzno, [nr] 8 (on the margin)
This occured in the village of Jaworzno on March 3/15 1877 at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Piotr Pronbys appeared, a farmer residing in Jaworzno, age 27, in the presence of Karol Garbaciak, age 45, and Frank Jaros, age 55, both farmers residing in the village of Jaworzno and presented to us a male infant stating that the baby was born yesterday in Jaworzno at 8 o’clock in the morning to his wife Marianna nee Kielian, age 19. At Holy Baptism administered by us today, this baby was given the name of Józef. The godparents were the aforementioned Karol Garbaciak and Marianna Wicend. This document was read to the declarant and witnesses, and then signed by us only, because the people present are illiterate.
Maintaining civil registry
K.Krantc (signature)
An example of a marriage record written in Latin translated into English:

Sierakowice, Puzdrowo.
In 1776, preceded by three announcements [proclaimed] during solemn masses on feast days to the faithful gathered in prayer on subsequent days, of which the first [announcement] was made on June 16, the second on the 23 and the third on the 24 of the same [month], finding no obstacle, I, Stanisław Ropell, vicar, have questioned honest Mikołaj Puzdrowski from Sierakowice and Magdalena Stancellowna from Puzdrowo, virgin, and on the basis of their mutual consent expressed verbally I married them and blessed their marriage in the presence of the gathered [witnesses]: Michał Drywa, Joanna Forman, Maciej Leyk and others.
Translation prices
Translation prices depend on several factors such as the length of the text to be translated, complexity of the content and delivery time. Please send us a scanned record and ask for a translation quote. You will find our e-mail address here.